Open fracture of the mind in progress!

So... After several releases published this year we finally returns to the studio to continue the work on next long play album.

This one will be massive! At the moment we have some crazy ideas in mind. Some of them waiting for theirs time, some we can realize soon. I do not want to looks like "insider" spying on my own band, but some hot news I can tell you right now. 

At first - maybe (just maybe, ok) Dead Faith will expand with a new members. I don't want to look far forward, for now vacancies still exists.

Second - we experimenting on new sound and new devices and new software. 

Third - we turns back to the live sampling and dumping with delay aka "Technofobia" album was made with. I think it's a good news for those fans who feels nostalgic and weeping all around for "good old times" blah, blah, blah... But dear fans - this time it WILL NOT BE the same old sound and method. You have an ability to check it on our Soundcloud.

 But. To the subject. Our new long play will be published at July 14, 2014. That day we will celebrate 20 years of the band. It'll be some kind of show then, i think (better to say hope). As for now - we work hard to do this event perfect as usual we do.

By the way, at May 18 we will play live in Kyiv in "Pogrebok" bup and invite everyone. More info on this event I will post soon here and on our Facebook official page.
